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Greater Cleveland Football Association

Greater Cleveland Football Association

News Detail


Nov, 2016

We are the Johnston County PANTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!

Parents and Players

We are pleased to announce that coming in 2017 Greater Cleveland Football Association will provide the youth of our community the opportunity to participate in organized flag and tackle football.

Our spring NFL flag football league provides youth the opportunity to play football in a non-contact environment while emphasizing the fundamentals of running, passing, and catching on offense and angles of pursuit, pass defense, and play recognition on defense. This is great for youth that want to play organized football for the first time as well as youth that play tackle football and want to improve their skills. Our inaugural season last year was a great success and a lot of fun and this season we are aiming to be even better. Registration for the upcoming 2017 Spring NFL Flag league will begin in January.

Greater Cleveland Football Association will join East Wake Football League for tackle football beginning fall of 2017. East Wake Football League provides a format that will allow our tackle football players to flourish and reach their full potential while fostering an organization of unity that will provide immense support for our teams. Following are some of the reasons we strongly feel this way.

• East Wake Football League has been around for 48 years and has teams within the five county area including Durham, Granville, Franklin, Johnston, and Wake Counties.

• EWFL is a USA Football Head’s Up league.

• Every organization has 3 teams only and they are divided up by age as follows:
Mini Mites - Ages 6-8, weight limit 105 pounds
Mighty Mites - Ages 9-10, weight limit 125 pounds (135 lbs. between the tackles)
Peewees - Ages 11-12, weight limit 150 pounds (160 lbs. between the tackles)
* Age is determined as of August 1st of the current season.

This format benefits the parents and players in 3 specific ways.

1. There is no wondering what team your athlete will be placed on, it is completely transparent, by age and there is only one team for each age group.

2. Each team will have the very best coaches for that age group, with only one team the coaches will not be split up among several teams of the same age group.

3. Having only one team for each age group will create a higher level of competition at practices and games because the talent will not be divided up among several teams, this will create an environment where your athlete will have the opportunity to reach their full potential. The team will have the opportunity to reach its full potential as well because of the continuity and familiarity that will be created by playing together season after season.

• Every team is guaranteed to play eight games (canceled games will be made up), four home games and four away games. All 3 teams play the same schedule so we stay together as an organization on game days. This will foster one of the greatest gifts football gives us, togetherness. We will all have a vested interest in all 3 of our teams and this will create an atmosphere that is coveted.

• Parents with players on different teams will no longer have to decide which game to see because their sons will play at the same place every game.

• All teams will compete to make the playoffs and win the EWFL championship. This gives each team the opportunity to play up to 3 additional games each season.

We know you may have specific questions such as practice field, game field, cost, team name, etc. We are in the process of finalizing these details and will post updates on our Facebook page as they become available. So please go like and share our Facebook page so that you will be notified when new information is released.

For more information on East Wake Football League please visit


Greater Cleveland Football Association looks forward to providing the youth of our growing community another choice when it comes to playing football.


Commissioner – Jeremy Blake
Vice Commissioner – Brad Rowsey
Treasurer – Brandon Taylor
Football Director – John Fox


Panthers Youth Football
351 S Parliament way 
Clayton, North Carolina 27520

Phone: 919-825-0872
Email: [email protected]

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